Under the Construction Products Regulation 2011 (CPR), CE Marking of construction products is mandatory in EU countries. Evolusion Innovation provide a full CE Marking service - assessing the product, identifying, scheduling and arranging any testing that may be required, designing the necessary Factory Production Control procedures, drawing up the Declarations of Performance, compiling supporting documentation files, and producing the CE Mark. On this page we answer some of the more common questions we hear regarding CE Marking.
CE Marking - FAQ

Do I need a CE Mark for my product?
If your product is a "Construction Product" for which a Harmonised Technical Specification or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) exists, it needs a CE Mark affixed and a Declaration of Performance before it can be placed on the market.
A Construction Product is defined as:
A product or ‘kit’ which is produced and placed on the market for permanent incorporation in construction works, and whose performance influences at least one of the basic requirements for works.
What are the "basic requirements"?
The harmonised technical specification for a construction product specifies methods for assessing and declaring all
the performance characteristics required by regulations in any Member State which affect the ability of
construction products to meet seven basic requirements for construction works. These cover :
1. Mechanical resistance and stability
2. Safety in case of fire
3. Hygiene, health and environment
4. Safety and accessibility in use
5. Protection against noise
6. Energy economy and heat retention
7. Sustainable use of natural resources.
Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance
The system of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) is the system by which one determines the level of third party involvement in assessing and/or testing a product for conformity. There 5 such systems, System 1+, System 1, System 2+, System 3, and System 4. The system under which a product must be assessed is specified in the Harmonised Standard. Depending on which system applies, there may be a need for independent third party testing, auditing, continuous surveillance by notified bodies, factory production control, determination of product type by a notified laboratory, or manufacturer's tasks.
Where can I find a list of Notified Bodies?
Information on Notified Bodies under the Construction Products Regulation is provided via the Nando (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) Information System on the European Commission website.