Milestones and Events
A lot has happened since Evolusion Innovation was established back in 2010.
Scroll down for more detail.

JAN 2023 - Beth Cocker becomes the latest qualified and licensed BREEAM Assessor in our Sustainability team
Congratulations to Beth Cocker, one of our Sustainability Engineers who has successfully completed a BREEAM course and has now been officially listed as a licenced BREEAM Assessor. Evolusion are continually growing our Sustainability department in terms of both services provided and expert personnel and this qualification for Beth is the latest demonstration of our committment to providing the highest quality of services to our clients. BREEAM third-party certification assessment services are critically important for enabling developers to declare environmental, social and economic sustainability performance standards for their projects. Check out all of our Sustainability services here.

SEPT 2022 - Founding members of MMC Ireland elect its first Board
Since MMC Ireland, the industry body set up by Evolusion in collaboration with C+W O'Brien Architects, was launched, practically all entities with an interest in the ongoing growth of modern methods of construction came on board, and the founding members met in Sept 2022 and elected its first Board. Those elected were Declan Wallace of Evolusion Innovation, Pat Kirwan of C+W O’Brien Architects, Tony McLoughlin of Glenveagh Properties plc, Eoin Waldron of Castle Modular, Ger Fahey of Horizon Offsite Ltd, Richard Walsh of O’Dwyer Steel and Kevin Loftus of Cairn Homes plc.

AUG 2022 - Mellissa Graham becomes a qualified and licensed BREEAM Assessor
Congratulations to Mellissa Graham, a BREEAM assessor working in our Sustainability team, who has passed her exams to become a licensed BREEAM assessor. BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. BREEAM does this through third-party certification of the assessment of an asset’s environmental, social and economic sustainability performance, using standards developed by BRE Global. Mellissa is now qualified to carry out BREEAM UK New Construction assessments for Evolusion clients, enhancing further the service we offer.

MAY 2022 - Inaugural meeting of MMC Ireland, a proposed new representative body for the modern methods of construction industry in Ireland
Evolusion Evolusion collaborated with C+W O'Brien Architects to help set up a robust MMC representative body in Ireland, a body for all of those involved in the planning, design, procurement or delivery of offsite and other modern methods of construction in Ireland, with the objective that this entity could credibly and forcefully represent all facets of the industry where and when it matters. The inaugural meeting of the body was held in May 2022, and a gratifyingly wide range of stakeholders attended, expressing their interest and belief in this initiative.

JULY 2022 - Dora Rebola, Senior BREEAM Assessor, awarded a Certificate of Professional Education in Circular Building Products for a Sustainable Built Environment
Congratulations to Dora Rebola M.ArchSc (Hons), Senior BREEAM Assessor in our Building Physics and Sustainability Department, who after renewing her BREEAM UK NC Certification having passed the BREEAM UK New Construction exams last November, has recently followed this up by completing the TU Delft course "Circular Building Products for a Sustainable Built Environment" for which she received a Certificate of Professional Education. The ubiquity of building products mean they play a crucial role in the transition from the Linear to a Circular Economy, and the course examined the opportunities that circular building products can offer from various perspectives: design, technology, business case and methods of implementation (including, among others, digital product tracking). Critically evaluating building products leads to a deeper understanding of their circularity characteristics and is key to sustainable outcomes, and this qualification further expands the sustainability services that we at Evolusion can offer to our clients.

JUN 2022 - Robert Kelly, Senior Building Physics and Sustainability Designer, awarded a Post-Graduate Certificate in Building Performance (Energy Efficiency in Design) by TU Dublin
Congratulations to Robert Kelly, Senior Building Physics and Sustainability Designer in our Building Physics Department, who has further added to his qualifications in the field by successfully completing the TU Dublin course in Building Performance (Energy Efficiency in Design) and has now received a Level 9 Post-Graduate Certificate. Modules in the course included
NZEB Policy & Technologies
Building Energy Modelling (using Passive House Planning Package)
Hygrothermal Risk Assessment
Thermal Bridge Calculation for Building Performance
Building Performance NZEB Design Project: Residential
This qualification and the areas it covers adds further to the high-level services Evolusion can offer our clients at a time when maximising building performance is a key metric for all stakeholders.

MAR 2022 - Andrew Dunne, our Building Physics Department Manager, becomes certified in Hygrothermal Risk Assessment.
Congratulations to Andrew Dunne, our Building Physics Department Manager, who has been certified in Hygrothermal Risk Assessment. This high-level award from DTU adds further expertise to the services in Building Performance analysis that we provide to our clients, enabling the calculation and simulation of hygrothermal risks using appropriate steady state software applications and appropriate transient numerical software applications (such as WUFI), creating high quality building fabric performance specifications, and advising clients on nZEB construction with a low condensation risk.

NOVEMBER 2021 - Evolusion complete our first stage in the Etex Challenge
The Etex Challenge is an activity challenge rolled out across its offices in 42 countries across the world, both to encourage employees to improve their own well-being, and to raise money for charity. With Evolusion now being part of the Etex group, we are delighted to be taking part (some of the team pictured here at the rear of our offices in Innishannon overlooking the river Bandon), and we're thrilled to announce that as a group we comfortably exceeded our target of 719km (Malin to Mizen Head) for our first four weeks of the challenge. The Evolusion team actually covered 930km, a fantastic achievement. Keenly looking forward to the next part of the challenge!

MARCH 2021 - Evolusion go into partnership with the Etex group
A major development and a fantastic milestone for Evolusion - after several months of very positive discussions and negotiations behind the scenes, the Etex Group acquired a majority stake in the Evolusion Innovation Group. Etex is a global building solutions provider with in excess of 11,000 employees worldwide and have major ambitions in the MMC/Offsite Construction sector, and we believe that together we have the synergy to realise all of our objectives. This very exciting partnership significantly enhanced Evolusion's global reach while simultaneously providing the Etex New Ways division of Etex with expertise and experience in 2D panellised and 3D modular/volumetric offsite construction.

MARCH 2021 - Evolusion welcomed as new member of the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC)
The Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) was set up in 2011 to promote sustainable building in Ireland, and Evolusion are delighted to have been added to their membership network. IGBC is Ireland’s leading authority on green building best practices with a network of over 200-member organisations spanning the entire built environment industry, and also part of a growing community of over 70 Green Building Councils worldwide. Their promotion of the Home Performance Index (HPI) certification scheme for sustainable housing and planning at local and national levels and of full building Life Cycle Analysis, while simultaneously raising awareness about embodied carbon, fits well with Evolusion and our sustainability services.

JAN 2021 - Evolusion Innovation Group continues to grow
Despite a very challenging 2020 because of the impact of Covid-19 on economies in general and on construction in particular, Evolusion managed to continue to grow the business. Focus highlighted on providing expert engineering design and consulting services to the Modern Methods of Construction/Offsite Construction sector, and demand was such that our Irish and UK teams have grown to a total staff of 40 (in January 2017 the staff total was 20). Each of our departments, Structural Engineering, Building Physics and Sustainability, Product Development, and Quality Engineering have successfully expanded both in terms of services offered and new clients and projects, and given the level of demand for our services as leading MMC consultants in Ireland, the UK and further afield, we expect futher growth in the year ahead.

SEPT 2020 - Covid-19
As of September 2020, Covid-19 continued to have a dramatic and tragic impact on societies worldwide. In Ireland, September saw the Government publishing the Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19, and this framework, which includes 5 levels of restrictions, was followed. Business as normal (in as much as it could be described as "normal") was Evolusion's intention throughout, and, thanks to the sterling efforts of our team, we were able to continue to provide our clients with the high levels of service they have grown to expect. Our offices remain open for essential workers (we are providing structural design and energy analysis services for hospital and other essential projects) with adjustments being made to ensure all WHO, HSE and NHS guidelines are being complied with, and many members of the team are continuing to work remotely. International travel was banned, but we are always available to all our clients using Microsoft Teams and other platforms. We are continuing to work on all existing projects as normal, and we are fully open for new business.

MAY 2020 - Evolusion celebrated a very successful 10 years in business
In May 2020 Evolusion reached a major milestone - 10 years in existence. We started out in May 2010 in the depths of a recession but nonetheless managed to grow the business from a duo in a home office to an international consultancy employing 40 people. Now here we are starting into our second decade unexpectedly in the face of another severe recession but we are currently open for business as usual and we remain optimistic that we can survive and thrive again. Thanks to all of the team for all their hard work and appreciated contributions to our success, and thanks to all our valued clients over the last decade, we look forward to continuing to work with you over the next decade.

APR 2020 - Robert Kelly, a key member of our Building Physics and Sustainability Department, becomes another Evolusion registered NSAI Thermal Modeller
Robert Kelly, a key member of our Building Physics and Sustainability team, having been assessed and examined by NSAI, successfully demonstrated his competency in Thermal Modelling and has been included on the NSAI register of Thermal Modellers. Having another certified and NSAI registered Thermal Modeller enables Evolusion to provide our clients with further comfort of knowing our Thermal Modelling services are of the highest quality and are accredited by a third-party.

APR 2020 - Evolusion Innovation awarded Engineers Ireland “CPD Accredited Employer” status
Following a comprehensive application process and audit Evolusion Innovation were awarded Engineers Ireland “CPD Accredited Employer” status. This is a major milestone for Evolusion, significantly enhancing our reputation for expertise, professionalism and high quality service. As an Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer we become part of an exclusive network of organisations that have demonstrated commitment to the professional development of their staff.

MAR 2020 - Vishaka Reddy, a key member of our Building Physics/Sustainability team, became a registered BREEAM UK New Construction Competent Person
To further enhance our expert building energy analysis and sustainability services, Vishaka Reddy (Evolusion Innovation Building Physics team member and a Sustainability Engineer), having attended the relevant courses and passing the examination, qualified to be registered as a BREEAM UK New Construction Competent Person. Vishaka, a key member of our Sustainability team, has significant and consistently successful experience in managing projects to ensure high BREEAM ratings are achieved for our clients, and this new qualification will enable Evolusion to expand our BREEAM and LEED services.

FEB 2020 - Evolusion Innovation CEO Declan Wallace delivered a presentation on new MMC products (and testing and certification thereof) at a CitA Digital Transformation Series event
Declan Wallace delivered a very important and informative presentation on "New Modern Methods of Construction products coming to the Irish Market in 2020 and the importance of proper testing and certification”. This event, one of the CitA (Construction IT Alliance) Digital Transformation Series, was very well attended, and Declan's talk was very well received. Highlighting the critical necessity for proper testing and appropriate third-party certification is very important for those aiming to utilise MMC/Offsite Construction systems.

NOV 2019 - Tide Construction/Vision Modular Systems installs final module in 44-storey Croydon tower
A mere 35 weeks after the first module was installed, developer Tide Construction craned into place the last of 1,526 modules assembled on site in Croydon in the construction of two high-rise towers, one reaching 38-storeys and the other 44-storeys, thus becoming the world's tallest modular buildings. This accomplishment is a great example of what can be achieved with, and the many advantages of, MMC/Offsite Modular Construction. Evolusion has been privileged being involved as part of the design team responsible for the building energy strategy, including the dynamic and thermal modelling, and the SAP, SBEM and BREEAM compliance, and will be contributing to the post-completion acoustic and air permeability testing associated with demonstrating compliance with UK Building Regulations.

OCT 2019 - Ahmet Turkoglu promoted to Engineering Services Manager UK
Having opened our new office in Birmingham we needed to find a top class structural engineer to manage, develop and build our UK-based structural engineering design team to help improve and expand our services to our existing UK clients and to attract new clients. Ahmet, who has been a major contributor to our success while working with our design team in our Cork office, was offered the role and we were delighted when he accepted the challenge. This appointment is key to the ongoing growth of Evolusion Innovation as a leading MMC/Offsite Construction consultancy and to our continuing expansion in the UK market.

SEPT 2019 - Andrew Dunne promoted to Building Physics Manager
Andrew Dunne was promoted to Building Physics Manager. Andrew, a highly qualified expert in fields such as building energy efficiency, dynamic and thermal modelling, passive design etc, has been a major factor in the success of our company to date, and in his new role will ensure that our Building Physics Department continues to provide clients with innovative and cost-effective solutions in services such as Building Energy Analysis, Dynamic Simulation Modelling, NSAI certified Thermal Modelling, BBA Accredited U-value and Condensation Risk Calculations, DEAP, NEAP and SAP Analysis, BER Assessments, and sustainability services such as BREEAM and LEED, while simultaneously broadening and consolidating our client base and range of expert services .”

AUG 2019 - Evolusion Innovation become Supply Chain Members of the Light Steel Frame Association (LSFA)
To assist in promoting the light steel framing industry and to further build our network, Evolusion became Supply Chain Members of the Light Steel Frame Association (LSFA). The LSFA was established to influence legislation and regulations and to support the overall objectives and growth of the steel framing sector. By promoting the industry through marketing and PR activities, the aim is to raise the profile of members whilst advocating the use of steel frame technologies.

JUL 2019 - Cian O'Mahony promoted to become our new Engineering Services Manager
Cian O’Mahony is promoted to become our new Engineering Services Manager in our Structural Engineering Department. Cian, who recently achieved Chartership status, has been a major influence in the success of our company to date, and in his new role will help drive the engineering department to further heights, particularly in the areas of panellised and modular offsite construction/MMC.

MAY 2019 - Ludwika Balinska, at the time our Sustainability Team Leader, achieved BREEAM International New Construction Competent Person status
Having provided expert BREEAM services to UK clients in recent years, achieving consistently high ratings for our clients' projects, Ludwika successfully passing the BREEAM International New Construction Competent Persons Examination Evolusion put Evolusion in the position to offer BREEAM assessment services internationally, including in Ireland. Our BREEAM and LEED experts can help you achieve high sustainability standards for your projects.

APR 2019 - A strong statement made about the future - Evolusion opened first office in the UK
To further improve our service provision to UK clients, and to consolidate and build on our market share in the UK, particularly in Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) or Offsite Construction, Evolusion researched and explored options for locating an office in the UK. After extensive deliberations, Birmingham was selected as the optimum location for opening a design office, and our first structural engineers started working there in April 2019. This office, in the centre of Birmingham and close to New Street Station, will be staffed by a full team of consulting and design engineers.

MAR 2019 - Further recognition from NHBC of our LGS structural design expertise achieved by Cian O'Mahony
Cian, one of our Structural Engineering experts, specialising in the design of Light Gauge Steel frame and Volumetric Systems in the domestic and international markets, successfully applied to NHBC and was awarded registration as a Light Steel Frame Certifier. This was another example of our commitment to providing the highest levels of expertise to our structural engineering design clients.

FEB 2019 - Cian O'Mahony, Evolusion Senior Structural Engineer, attains Chartered Engineer status
Cian, a key member of the Evolusion Structural Engineering management team, achieved the badge of excellence in his profession as he became an Engineers Ireland Chartered Engineer. This conferred further status on our Engineering team, and gave our clients more assurance that we are committed to providing excellent expert services.

JAN 2019 - Evolusion announce the appointment of Patrick Coughlan in the critically important role of Operations Manager
As part of Evolusion's commitment to improving the efficiency of internal operations and consequently service delivery to clients, it became clear that it was necessary to augment the management team by bringing on board an experienced person who would contribute to significant and measurable improvements in company productivity and who could ensure output would continue to meet defined market requirements. After a challenging recruitment process, we were delighted that Patrick Coughlan, a highly qualified and very experienced construction industry expert, agreed to join Evolusion as Operations Manager.

DEC 2018 - Evolusion expansion continued at pace throughout 2018
At the end of 2017 staff numbers had reached 25. As recognition of the quality of our expertise and service continued to spread during 2018, and as we became known as leading experts in offsite construction consultancy technologies, demand for our services grew commensurately. To cater for the growth in demand, our team of experts had continued to expand and as of the end of 2018, staff numbers had reached 35.

NOV 2018 - James Young promoted to Director of Engineering Services
In a significant strategic move, James Young was promoted from Engineering Services Manager to become Director of Engineering Services. James was instrumental in growing the structural engineering portfolio of services, instigating BIM training and development, and building a top class structural design team with unrivalled innovative problem-solving skills in MMC/Offsite panellised and modular construction, while simultaneously achieving impressive increases in sales and procuring new tier one developer clients.

SEPT 2018 - Ashok Dhayal, Evolusion Building Physics Engineer, follows up on becoming a Low Carbon Consultant Design Specialist by qualifying as a Low Carbon Energy Assessor
Ashok followed up on his recent achievement in becoming a Low Carbon Consultant Design Specialist by attaining approval from CIBSE Certification Ltd as a fully certified Low Carbon Energy Assessor (LCEA) for the production of Level 5 Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in England, Wales and N Ireland. This, significantly, enabled Evolusion to further expand our suite of building energy analysis and certification services, and, specifically, enabled the Building Physics Department to produce non-domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for our clients.

AUG 2018 - Ludwika Balinska, at the time our Sustainability Team Leader, attained the designation of LEED AP® Building Design + Construction
Our commitment to the continuous improvement of services to our clients was further demonstrated by Ludwika adding to our overall levels of expertise, and enhancing our sustainability services to clients, by attaining LEED AP® Building Design + Construction by demonstrating the knowledge and understanding of green building practices and principles needed to support the use of the LEED green building program. This has enabled Evolusion to offer LEED assessments to our clients, which is particularly beneficial to those outside the UK.

JUL 2018 - Ashok Dhayal, Evolusion Building Physics Engineer, becomes a qualified Low Carbon Consultant Design Specialist
Evolusion continue to develop on our commitment to provide our clients with expert services as Ashok Dhayal, a key member of our Building Physics team, becomes a CIBSE qualified Low Carbon Consultant Design Specialist, enabling Evolusion to
Confirm Part L2A (UK) compliance against all 5 compliance criteria
Advise on energy efficiency and conservation.
Advise on and design low carbon and renewable technologies.
Use passive design technologies to make the best use of shade and natural ventilation.
Deliver the information needed to manage the building effectively and ensure that it continues to perform to its design intent after handover

APR 2018 - Evolusion invited to take a seat on the Concrete Standards Consultative Committee
James Duane, Evolusion's Quality and Auditing Department manager, having demonstrated his expertise and experience in the field while auditing concrete and aggregate companies, has been invited to join the Irish national Concrete Standards Consultative Committee. James has accepted the invitation and will attend committee meetings to provide his expert advice.

MAR 2018 - Evolusion launch a NEWS AND VIEWS page on the company website
It was becoming increasingly evident to Evolusion that the conversation in Ireland about adequately supplying the clear demand for greater output of residential developments was limited. The NEWS and VIEWS section was launched as part of an attempt to get involved in and perhaps influence that conversation, providing a platform for Evolusion and others to comment. In particular, it was hoped that we could help enable a better understanding of the potential of offsite construction to provide a solution to the housing crisis.

DEC 2017 - The Evolusion team of industry experts continues to grow
As business continues to thrive, with existing clients trusting us with more work and bigger projects, and as our list of clients becomes ever longer, we have needed to engage more structural, quality, building physics and product development engineers, and more support staff. As of the end of 2017, staff numbers had reached 25, with some positions still to be filled.

SEPT 2017 - Declan Wallace and James Young, our CEO and Engineering Services Manager, delivered topical presentations at Manley Construction Breakfast Briefing
A large audience of construction professionals and industry stakeholders attended a Manley Construction Breakfast Briefing for the presentations. Declan briefly summarised recent revisions to Building Regulations and then outlined the upcoming requirements in relation to Near-Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), while James described the requirements of Part D relating to "proper materials" and explained BCAR Ancillary Certification, with specific reference to recently published Practice Notes.

SEPT 2017 - Evolusion privileged to contribute to the design of Apex Tower, Europe's tallest modular building, which opened its doors in September 2017
The 29-storey Apex Tower was built in Bedford by Tide Construction in conjunction with Vision Modular Systems. It took a mere 13 weeks to assemble the 679 modules, clearly demonstrating the significant advantages of offsite construction. Using traditional methods of construction, it is estimated that a building of this size and height in similar surroundings would have taken a minimum of 106 weeks to complete.

AUG 2017 - Andrew Dunne, Evolusion Building Physics Engineer, becomes a Certified Passive House Designer
Andrew successfully passed the Passive House Institute’s Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant final examination to be awarded the designation, and through Andrew Evolusion can offer enhanced expertise in Passive House Design and related energy efficiency design fields.

JUN 2017 - Evolusion granted full membership of Buildoffsite
Evolusion are delighted to be accepted as members of Buildoffsite, the primary member's organisation promoting the increased use of offsite construction across all market sectors in the UK, and we look forward to assisting in the promotion of offsite and innovation in construction methods, and to a mutually beneficial relationship in future years.

MAY 2017 - Evolusion launch specialist Quantity Surveying service
A specialist Quantity Surveying service department is launched which combines our existing technical expertise with outstanding commercial expertise to give clients' products and projects the best chance of success. The driving force for the establishment of this department was client demand, as QS services specialising in assessing feasibility of offsite construction projects were not readily available.

APR 2017 - Evolusion named as one of the 100 HOT START-UPS by the Sunday Business Post
Having won a place on The Entrepreneur Experience panel in the Scaling Group and attended the inspiring weekend event in Ballymaloe, Evolusion were thrilled to be subsequently listed in the Sunday Business Post's 100 HOT START-UPS. Recognition for the innovative work our team has put in while growing the business is much appreciated by all.

FEB 2017 - Declan Wallace, Evolusion CEO, delivered a presentation on Offsite Construction at the Social Housing Summit in Dublin on 8th February 2017
Due to our expertise and international experience in Offsite construction, Declan Wallace, our CEO, was invited to address the Social Housing Summit in Dun Laoghaire with a presentation titled Rapid/Offsite/Modular Construction - is this the answer to solving our backlog? Declan's presentation was very well received, and we very much appreciated the positive and complimentary feedback.

DEC 2016 - In response to a continuing growth in demand for our specialist construction technology services, more staff are engaged
As Evolusion approached the end of 2016, ensuring we could continue to provide the expert and quality services our clients had grown to expect remained our priority. To attain this objective, our staff numbers continued to grow, most recently through the recruitment of two more Structural Engineers and a Project Administrator. Staff numbers reach 20.

OCT 2016 - Evolusion exhibit services at the Offsite Construction Show, Excel, London on 12th/13th October 2016
The Offsite Construction Show is the industries largest showcase for manufacturers, designers, developers, and all others involved in offsite construction. Evolusion were invited to take a stand at the exhibition again this year, and found our services to be of greater interest and in greater demand than in previous years, with increased number of visitors attending our stand.

OCT 2016 - Two of Evolusion's senior staff made a joint presentation to the Offsite Conference in Dublin, 5th October 2016
The Offsite Construction Conference brought together some of the country’s leading experts and international commentators to give a clear insight into current thinking on offsite construction, to answer questions on avoiding the failures of the past and how Offsite can be set up to become the future of building in Ireland and the best solution to our project demand pressures. Declan Wallace and James Young of Evolusion were key speakers at this event.

SEPT 2016 - Evolusion resume offering Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment services
Having voluntarily removed ourselves from the register of BER assessors due to a conflict of interest while contracted as SEAI auditors of BER assessors, we have now re-registered and can provide both commercial and residential BER assessment services.