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Evolusion has prepared proposals and successfully obtained substantial grants for supply chain management and R & D projects for a range of companies, including offsite construction and manufacturing companies. We can identify the best grant or tax-relief scheme, and the most suitable funding options available in Ireland or the UK, and recommend which is the best for your business. We can then complete the entire funding application process for you and submit it to the relevant agency on your behalf. Once approved, Evolusion can follow through and project-manage the complete project on your behalf.


local enterprise offices

Local Enterprise Offices support both new and established businesses

enterprise ireland

The Government agency in Ireland responsible for supporting Irish businesses

r & D tax relief (ireland)

Tax relief is available for qualifying R & D expenditure

r & D tax relief (UK)

The UK revenue provides tax breaks for qualifying
R & D spend.


There are 31 dedicated Local Enteprise Office teams spread across the local authorities of Ireland. These have replaced the CEBs, which were established in Ireland in 1993 to provide support for small businesses (‘micro-enterprises’) with 10 employees or less, at local level.

LEOs provide direct grant-support to new and existing enterprises and promote entrepreneurship, capacity building and women-in-business at local level, to micro enterprises in the commercial sphere. The LEOs are uniquely positioned to understand local needs and know the background and track record of those applying for support and assistance.

LEOs are co-funded by the Irish Government and EU Structural Funds.

The LEOs support both new and established businesses with a suite of supports including:

  • Advice

  • Mentoring

  • Grants

  • Supports for Training and Growth



Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. EI work in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales on global markets. In this way, EI support sustainable economic growth, regional development and secure employment.

Evolusion Innovation can provide you with initial guidance with regard to the options available to you and advise on whether to approach your local Enterprise Board or Enterprise Ireland. We can approach and talk to the right people, and can project manage your funding or grant application process from start to finish to ensure the optimum outcome is achieved.



Evolusion Innovation are very familiar with the complex revenue legislative requirements relating to R & D tax relief, and we are experts in analysing and identifying company activities that may qualify for R & D  tax credits, and in quantifying valid expenditure.

Currently, a 25% tax credit for qualifying Research and Development expenditure exists for companies engaged in in-house qualifying research and development undertaken within the European Economic Area.

This credit may be set against a company's Corporation Tax liability.

The tax credit is available on a group basis in the case of group companies. See Revenue's publication Revenue Guidelines for Research & Development Tax Credit

R & D Ireland


Research and Development (R & D) tax relief can be claimed by companies in the UK. This tax relief can be set against Corporation Tax (CT). The UK Revenue department specifies the types of business activities that may qualify for tax relief, which include scientific and technological advances, and these are meticulously defined by HMRC. Evolusion are very familiar with the complexities and nuances involved, and can assist you in identifying and quantifying qualifying activities. We can assist you in calculating the maximum claim you can reasonably make under the strict criteria set out by HMRC.

R & D UK
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