Evolusion originally invested in excess of €40,000 in developing our Quality Management System, and we continue to invest in ensuring we maintain our systems to the highest standards. This QMS is specific to technical consultancy services which utilise remote office locations, and it meets the requirements of and is certified to ISO 9001. This has been achieved through the use of the latest technologies available, including cloud computing services. These technologies facilitate the management of our Quality Management System through our own intranet site allowing for the most up to date information to be made available to all employees at all times in all locations.
We also have a set of administrative procedures in place that set out rules regarding file identification and storage, company security, IP, password protection and data backup.
All of our systems are subject to two internal audits and one external audit annually to ensure the highest standards are maintained at all times.
As part of our quality management system our Key Performance Indicators are collated and analysed on a monthly basis, and reports are prepared. The KPIs track our company progress and our efforts to continually improve in all our areas of business and in service levels provided.
Evolusion is fully committed to our Quality Management System. We intend to continually improve its effectiveness and we will strive to achieve complete customer satisfaction at all times.

Declan Wallace and Nicola Wallace of Evolusion Innovation receiving our original Certificate of Registration of our Quality Management System to I.S. EN ISO 9001:2008
Evolusion have since successfully transitioned to I.S. EN ISO 9001:2015
Evolusion Innovation are fully committed to continually providing a range of services that allow us to fulfill all of the needs of our Customers, and ultimately provide them with a complete customer Satisfaction and “value added” experiences every time.