Auditing, Inspection, Training and Regulatory Compliance
Evolusion Innovation staff members include a number of very experienced and highly qualified experts in Building Regulations and related legislation such as the Construction Products Regulations (which mandates for CE Marking) who can provide compliance inspection services, project management, site resolution management, auditing, and who can deliver quality training courses tailored to your requirements.
Evolusion Innovation technical staff members have extensive experience in both management of construction inspection services and hands-on inspections. Our staff members have managed countrywide inspection services, and are uniquely cognisant of the building environment in Ireland. Evolusion can assist in improving risk management by introducing enhanced quality control measures. We can provide on-site monitoring and assessment, and can audit office procedures and documentation to compare with best practice, and explore methodologies and processes which could be introduced to achieve cost-effective change without compromise. Our knowledge of Building Regulations and Legislation, and other statutory requirements, ensures we can provide the best auditing and inspection services.
Building Regulations and associated legislation are in a continuous process of radical overhaul. Technical Guidance Documents are being regularly revised, while the amended Building Control Regulations and Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works are resulting in major changes to the way Building Control is implemented in Ireland. Other legislation impacting on the industry includes CE Marking - CE Marking is now mandatory for construction products.
At Evolusion we have a number of very experienced Building Regulations practitioners who would be considered experts in the field in Ireland. We offer services in Building Regulation areas such as Compliance Inspections, interpretations of regulations, relaxation and dispensation applications, and related services. We also provide a full CE Marking service.
Evolusion Innovation provide training in all aspects of Building Regulations, theoretical and practical, generic or tailored to your needs. We have delivered a training course in Building Regulations, developed by FÁS, for the CIF. This is a FETAC level 6 course covering all the TGDs and the associated legislation.
We can also provide training in areas related to energy efficiency refurbishment measures, from courses on the practical implementation of simple individual measures, to courses aimed at providing a more detailed understanding of deep retrofit measures in buildings, up to and including passive design and implementation.
Evolusion Innovation staff are ideally positioned to provide Site Resolution Management services. Our technical staff have been deeply involved in the residential and commercial construction industry throughout Ireland for 20 years, and we understand the issues involved, and are very familiar with the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government 2011 guidelines.
We provide a full suite of Site Resolution Management services, from identifying and establishing likely costings to the project management of required remedial works to bring unfinished residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments of all sizes to the required standards.